
Friday 30 March 2012

Days 4 and 5: Thank goodness for a screw driver and duct tape - Lightning Ridge to Cobar

Today was Barbara's 1st day to drive the van. We were happily travelling from Lightning Ridge to Cobar, when just past the turn off to Come By Chance there was a loud scrapping noise coming from the back of the van. It took about 200 metres before we could pull over safely. Chris got out to investigate, only to exclaim 'On No'. Barbara looked in the rear vision mirror and saw a trail of water behind the van.

One of the fresh water tanks had fallen off the bottom of the van and was hanging by a tube.

Before we could even scratch our heads to figure what to do a trackie from Coonanble pulled up and was immediately under the van to check it out. One screw driver and some duct tape later the offending water tank was detached and loose tubes and brackets taped up. To think we couldn't even offer him a beer (no alcohol in the van). We tried to offer him a cold coke but he said 'No Thanks I am a diabetic'. After a quick chat about our travels he was on his way.

Bad news is we are going to buy a couple of water containers until we can get it fixed. The good news is we gained a new pet. It is big and black and we have to put it out at night. (We are talking about the watertank.)

There is still plenty of water adjacent to the road but not causing any hassle when driving except for the birds we have to dodge. There would have been more than 100 water fowl on one stretch of the road between Walgett and Coonanble. There were plenty of raptors and ibis as well, more emus and a fox (not dead this time).

We met a friendly farmer at the Nyngan petrol station who helped us tie up a loose hose. Barbara did have to hold his dagwood dog though.

For all those who dissed Christine's tool set she wants to say 'It worked'.

And yes Barbara is still allowed to drive the van.

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